24. - 27. JULY 2025 Tickets

Awareness concept of DAS FEST

As organizers of DAS FEST, we want to take responsibility and create inclusive structures that prevent discrimination and border crossings as much as possible. We have therefore developed an awareness concept based on our awareness consensus.

In order to achieve a considerate coexistence, we need the help of all participants - including you. This awareness concept therefore applies to everyone taking part in the festival. Below you will find all information about awareness at DAS FEST.


We want everyone to feel accepted and safe at DAS FEST, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, age, ability or social background.

All DAS FEST participants are responsible for this. We take a stand against all forms of discrimination and abusive behavior, regardless of the form - whether sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, queer and trans hostility, age discrimination or discrimination based on disability or social background.

Violence, transgressions and discrimination can take various forms at festivals: sexualized violence (e.g. groping, rape), psychological violence (e.g. manipulation, harassment), verbal violence (e.g. verbal abuse, insults, racist or sexist jokes), physical violence (e.g. hitting, restraining), sexualized violence (e.g. rape), sexualized violence (e.g. groping, rape). physical violence (e.g. hitting, holding) or discriminatory violations of boundaries (e.g. touching people without their consent, approaching a person without respecting their space, touching a wheelchair without permission, touching hair).

We know that we cannot completely prevent such incidents at our festival. With this awareness concept, however, we want to offer those affected opportunities to deal with the situation in a self-determined way so that they can enjoy their visit to DAS FEST again.

Anyone who disregards this consensus may be excluded from the festival after consultation with the security team.

  • A trained awareness team conducts confidential discussions at the Awareness Point on the DAS FEST site.
  • The Awareness Point also serves as a safe space.
  • Mobile teams, each consisting of two people, will be out and about on the site during DAS FEST.
  • Eight SOS islands allow you to contact the Awareness Team directly.
  • Our signposts and the signage on the event site will help you to find the SOS Islands and the Awareness Point. In addition, all SOS Islands and the Awareness Point are marked on our site map.
  • Two platforms in the main stage area serve as places where people with support needs and special requirements can watch the concerts.
  • There will also be an opportunity to find out more about awareness at the information stand on Karl-Wolf-Weg.

The Awareness Team is there for visitors, artists and crew members if someone is overwhelmed, has experienced a transgression or has been discriminated against and therefore needs help. The Awareness Team helps those affected to feel safer and more comfortable at the festival again. You can recognize the Awareness Team by the high-visibility vests with the Awareness lettering. The team can be found at the Awareness Point next to the information stand on Karl-Wolf-Weg as well as mobile at the festival. If you need help, you can contact them at any time!

You can come directly to the Awareness Point or get in touch by approaching employees with an awareness vest or asking for support at one of the eight SOS islands. The staff on the SOS islands will contact the mobile awareness teams for you, who will work with you to deal with your concerns. The SOS islands allow you to escape the hustle and bustle of the festival for a short time and wait there until the awareness team arrives.

You will find the Awareness Point next to the information stand on Karl-Wolf-Weg. There you will find a trained team with whom those affected can have confidential conversations. The Awareness Point is equipped with seating and retreat options as well as support and help material. Information material about other advice centers in Karlsruhe is also available here. Due to its function, the Awareness Point cannot generally be used as a lounge.

The Awareness Team works according to these principles

  • Consensus: Consensus means agreement. Everyone must obtain this explicitly. Only yes means yes!
  • Affected-centeredness: When you contact our awareness team, we focus entirely on your needs. We want you to feel safer again as a person affected by an incident and not have to leave the festival. If you want to leave the festival, the Awareness Team will support you by contacting a friend, calling a cab or finding a train connection for you.
  • Power of definition: Every person decides for themselves about themselves, their body, their history, their gender identity and what has happened.
  • Partiality: We do not question these decisions. We take sides for you, so we are explicitly not neutral or mediating, but are there for you within the limits and possibilities of the awareness employees.
  • Confidentiality: We always treat sensitive incidents confidentially and only discuss them with outsiders after consultation with you. 

There are eight SOS islands dotted around the site that you can turn to if you need help, your child is lost or you want to hand in lost property. The SOS islands can contact the Awareness Team and the German Red Cross for you. Red and yellow beach flags and signs with the words “SOS” will show you where to find the contact points.

During DAS FEST, two SOS islands will also be set up in the hill area of Mount Klotz, which will be manned by two security staff and two members of the medical service throughout the opening hours of the festival. The location of all SOS islands and the medical service (DRK) can be found on the general event signage.

In the main stage area, you will find two platforms that allow people with different needs to follow the concerts. One platform is accessible for wheelchair users and a second, the “Inclusion platform”, is available for people with special needs.

Availability of the awareness teams during DAS FEST AM SEE:

Wednesday, 10.07. 2024 – Saturday, 13.07.2024
17.30 - 00.00

Sunday, 14.07.2024
11.00 - 00.00

Monday, 15.07.2024 – Tuesday, 16.07.2024
17.30 – 00.00

Availability of the Awareness Teams during the DAS FEST weekend:

Thursday, 18.07.2024
16.30 - 00.00

Friday, 19.07.2024
16.30 - 02.00

Saturday, 20.07.2024
12.00 - 02.00

Sunday, 14.07.2024
9.00 - 00.00

Accessibility of the SOS islands:

Thursday, 18.07.2024
16.30 - 00.00

Friday, 19.07.2024
16.30 – 02.00

Saturday, 20.07.2024
12.00  – 02.00

Sunday, 21.07.2024
09.00 – 00.00

We developed this concept together with the Karlsruhe Anti-Discrimination Office to raise awareness of issues such as discrimination and border-crossing and to contribute to long-term change in the music landscape.

How can we improve our awareness concept? As this is the first time that such a concept has been implemented at DAS FEST, we would love to hear your suggestions for improvement. Write to us via our social media channels or at awareness_at_dasfest.de.

Counseling center for girls and boys in Karlsruhe who are affected by sexual violence. Advice for parents and confidants of those affected on the subject of sexual violence.
0721 133 5381 | allerleirauh_at_sjb.karlsruhe

Antidiskriminierungsstelle Karlsruhe
Free advice in accordance with the General Equal Treatment Act
0176 85 64 85 90 | ads_at_stja.de

Brücke Karlsruhe
Counseling, crisis support and pastoral care
0721 38 50 38 (während der Sprechzeiten kostenfrei, ohne Anmeldung) | info_at_bruecke-karlsruhe.de

Bundesweites Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen
Counseling services for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence
08000 116 016

Empowerment! KA
Contact point for all those who are affected by racism and want to strengthen themselves against it. empowerment.ka_at_gmail.com

Frauenberatungsstelle und Frauenhaus Karlsruhe
Verein zum Schutz misshandelter Frauen und deren Kinder e.V.
Kriegsstraße 148, 76133 Karlsruhe
0721 84 90 47 | Telefonsprechzeiten wochentags von 09:00-12:00 Uhr

Autonome Frauenhaus
0721 56 78 24
Mo - Do   09:00-17:00 Uhr
Fr.  09:00-16:30 Uhr

Frauenhaus SkF Stadt- und Landkreis Karlsruhe e.V.
0721 91 37 50

Hate Aid
Advice center on hate online

Counseling and reporting office for anti-Muslim violence/discriminatio

Counseling for victims of right-wing violence
0711 888 999 33 | kontakt_at_leuchtlinie.de

Advice on anti-Semitic incident

Free anonymous advice, available around the clock
0800 111 0 111 und 0800 111 0 222

Trauma Ambulanz
Treatment Initiative Victim Protection e.V.
0721 47 043 935 | Akute Notfälle: 0173 510 71 71 | opferhilfe_at_bios-bw.de

Wildwasser Karlsruhe e.V
Beratungsstelle für Mädchen und Frauen aus Land- und Stadtkreis Karlsruhe sowie für Jungen und Männer aus dem Landkreis Karlsruhe, die von sexueller Gewalt betroffen sind.
0721 85 91 73 | info_at_wildwasser-karlsruhe.de

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You can find everything about the DAS FEST awareness concept here...
