24. - 27. JULY 2025 Tickets
With DAS FEST AM SEE, the Günther Klotz facility switches into party mode image

With DAS FEST AM SEE, the Günther Klotz facility switches into party mode

Nine days to go until DAS FEST Karlsruhe. The weather is getting better, the anticipation is growing. And tomorrow, Wednesday 10 July, the festive warm-up starts - with free admission. Lisa Huber & Band will open DAS FEST AM SEE at 6 pm. Every evening until Tuesday, 16 July - promoted by DAS FEST partners such as Hoepfner, die neue welle and SWR3 - regional bands and newcomers will bring the DAS FEST atmosphere to Karlsruhe and the Günther-Klotz-Anlage. As for DAS FEST, BGV bicycle parking spaces have been set up for DAS FEST AM SEE - on Nordrandweg and Karl-Wolf-Weg. So nothing stands in the way of an environmentally friendly journey to DAS FEST AM SEE.

17 July is "day off" in the Klotze, but not at the Alter Schlachthof

Before DAS FEST kicks off on 18 July with dm-Donnerstag and Peter Fox, the Günther-Klotz-Anlage will be in full construction mode on Wednesday, 17 July, while DAS FEST runs riot in the Schlachthof. There, where the DAS FEST team plans the Karlsruhe summer highlight throughout the year, there will be a wide range of musical and culinary offerings prepared by the Schlachthof neighbours Alte Hackerei, Fettschmelze, Substage in cooperation with Minestrone, Tollhaus, alina café and Tostino for the final warm-up to the big DAS FEST weekend. The programme can be found on the DAS FEST website. Free admission starts at 17:30.

Tickets for Sunday with LEA, Wolfmother ect. still available

For DAS FEST Sunday, tickets are still available for the main stage, which offers perhaps the broadest programme of all FEST days. With LEA as headliner, Wolfmother as co-headliner and GReeeN, as well as the classical music morning organised by the Badische Staatskapelle, jazz with Root Area and blues with Gringo Meyer and his bowling band, there is sure to be something for everyone in the family. Even if the hill is already sold out from Thursday to Saturday - there is plenty to experience at DAS FEST even without a ticket.

The programme on the other stages - Feldbühne, Kulturbühne, FEST-Floor and the Café-Bühne - is free of charge, as are the INDIA SUMMER DAYS and the Sparda-Sportpark with the FEST Cup, which returns to the Europahalle this year. There will also once again be a broad programme of games, information and entertainment for children and adults in the children's and cultural area - all of which can be found on the DAS FEST website.