Schöne Mannheims: "Das Schönste der Schönen"
Wherever they have performed - between Munich and Kiel, between Cologne and Bayreuth - they have left behind sold-out houses and enthusiastic audiences and have long been an integral part of Germany's cultural landscape. "Die Schönen Mannheims are truly an event!" was the verdict of the Mannheimer Morgen, full of local patriotic pride. With "Das Schönste der Schönen", the four lively exceptional talents present their finest wines and most exquisite essences from their three successful programmes to date. The singers and actresses Anna Krämer and Susanne Back, opera diva Smaida Platais and the master of the raised eyebrow, Stefanie Titus, on the piano promise the audience a refreshing mixture of excellent singing, spirited stage show, biting comedy, good music and innovative ideas. A festive day on the Kulturbühne could hardly end more beautifully.